Our operations >> Literature

If literature interests you, there are a lot of activities within AF. Among other things, you can read writings from and about student life in Lund in our archive, or write articles for magazines that Ordkonst and the Lunda Carnival publishes.




Ordkonst publishes a literary magazine with essays, critiques, reportage and fictional pieces. Moreover, they host writing-circles, film-circles and reading-circles, as well as theater. At Ordkonst there is something for everyone who is interested in literature and culture. If you want to know more about the activities, take part in one of the events or get the latest issue of the magazine, do not hesitate to contact the committee.



Archives and Student Museum

The Archives and Student Museum preserves and exhibits historical objects from AF, the unions, nations and societies at Lund. You are welcome regardless if you are curious about amusing anecdotes from Lund’s student life and history, or if you need material for essays and articles. You may also book guided tours of AF-borgen.