Our operations >> Media

Broadcast your own radio show, make podcasts about your hobby, organize a film club or get involved in the famous Lund Carnival, which takes place every four years. Check out the Academic Society's selection in the category media here.





Radio AF is Scandinavia’s largest student radio station. Many who are currently working and are well-known in the media industry began their careers right here. All day and night you can listen to entertainment, culture, community alerts, and the latest music on radioaf.se. At the beginning of each new semester there is a basic course held that is open to AF Members who are interested in getting involved in radio.



Ordkonst publishes a literary magazine with essays, critiques, reportage and fictional pieces. Moreover, they host writing-circles, film-circles and reading-circles, as well as theater. At Ordkonst there is something for everyone who is interested in literature and culture. If you want to know more about the activities, take part in one of the events or get the latest issue of the magazine, do not hesitate to contact the this committee!


studio af

Studio AF is a newly started committee for you who wants to work with the production of motion pictures. The committee produces self-made sketches and episodes to inform students about what is going on in the student life. Moreover, they function as a production for different student organisations in Lund, such as nations and student unions.


Affiliated Associations



Lundakarnevalen is held every four years and is organized by around 5000 of Lund’s students that turn Lundagård into a large carnival area. Every carnival has a theme and last year’s theme was Katatstrofalkarneval (catastrophi-carnival). The next Lundakarneval will be held in May 2026!