What is Studentlund?
"Studentlund is the entirety of lunds student life gathered in a single membership"
Studentlund consists of the nations, the Academic Society and the student union. When you become a member of Studentlund you receive access to a social community and cultural events. You also receive the opportunity to influence your education, network with potential future employers, get placed in the housing-cue and much more.
One membership - for the entirety of student life.
Why should I become a member?
Studentlund is a membership comprising the so called “three legs” which consist of nations, the Academic Society and the student unions. This membership is not only the only one of its kind, but it is one of the strongest reasons to why new students continue to move to Lund every semester. Studentlund gives you many opportunities to develop yourself and gain valuable skills and experiences beyond the classroom. The membership in Studentlund makes you a member of a nation, your union and the Academic Society. The membership gives you access to all that makes Lund a great place to study in. Here you can read more about what each leg has to offer!
What do the nations, Academic Society (AF) and the student unions do?
The nations’ main undertaking are the social activities outside of studies. The majority of the nations’ activities consist of catering, pubs and nightclubs, but are complemented by other things, such as sports activities, newspapers, choirs, scholarships and housing. To get access to a specific nation's housing you must be a member of that particular nation.
Academic Society (AF)
Is a non-profit organization run by and for students with the goal to assemble and broaden the cultural and societal life at Lund University. By offering support functions and premises in the AF-borgen it is made possible for associations as well as individuals to conduct both small and large events that enrich the student life. AF-borgen belongs to the students during the day and, among other things, offers places to study in the Café Athen. At night, AF-borgen is a center for many of the activities that AF’s committees and associations arrange. AF also provides housing through the foundation AF Bostäder. The nearly 6,000 apartments are rented exclusively to student which makes AF Bostäder the largest student housing company in Lund.
Student Unions
Work primarily with educational issues as its main purpose is to maintain a high quality in all the courses and programs at Lund University. In addition to monitoring the education programs, the student unions organize social activities, helps make business contacts, hosts organizes job fairs and hosts lectures. They also arrange Welcome-events for new students.
How do I become a member?
Current Members
If you are already a member in Studentlund you can renew your membership by paying the charge for the semester through the invoice you received in the mail. You can also pay with credit/debit card through Studentlund.se: studentlund.se/studentlund/medlemskap/.
New Members
Once you have been accepted as a student at Lund University you can register as a member at http://www.studentlund.se. More information regarding registration and how the charge for the semester is paid you will find here: studentlund.se/studentlund/medlemskap/
Student at Lund University, whose courses are provided at a place other than Lund, long-distance students and students that are on a semester abroad away from Lund University are only able to become member in just a student union or in a nation + AF.